Dance with a Variety of Partners


Dance with a Variety of Partners! 💃🕺

One of the best ways to become a great ballroom dancer is by practicing with a variety of partners. Dancing with many partners helps you learn faster, improves your lead/follow skills, and enables you to become a more confident, well-rounded dancer. So sign up for those group classes and enjoy social dancing at parties.

It’s natural for many people just starting out to only want to dance with their partner, but this actually makes it harder to learn and will stunt your growth. Plus when you dance with others you’ll meet new friends and be part of a fun community – we call it social dancing for a reason! 🤗

Learn Faster:  Studies show that you learn 30% faster when you dance with a variety of partners.

Become a Better Leader or Follower:  Dancing with different partners is the best way to improve your lead/follow skills.  Think of it like cross training – dancing with different people builds our dance muscles faster and with less pain and frustration.

Build your Confidence:  By learning to adapt to different partners, we become more confident and skilled on the dance floor. This makes you more enjoyable to dance with, which is sure to delight your special someone 🙂

Connect with the Community:  If you only take private lessons or shun others at dance parties, you miss out on one of the best things about ballroom – making new friends and being part of the social dance community!

So step out of your comfort zone and dance with new partners—you’ll be amazed at how much you grow and how much fun you have in the process 💫

Stay tuned and check out our other Blogs for more dance tips 💡

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