Intro To Social Dance

Yes you can learn and enjoy dancing. Join us at Intro To Social Dance, and we’ll get you off the sidelines and onto the dance floor.


Get Started - New Student Special

$97 Single / $147 Couple

Save 50% off a one month studio membership

  • 1 Welcome Lesson
  • 4 Group Classes
  • 1 Dance Party

Recommended to learn to social dancing


Intro To Social Dance

Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Level:  Beginner

Intro To Social Dance is designed to teach absolute beginners how to dance with a partner to a variety of music. We’ll help you feel confident and comfortable so you can enjoy dancing at weddings, parties, and any social event

This class is a fun introduction to six essential social dances:  Waltz, East Coast Swing, Tango, Rumba, Foxtrot, and Cha Cha. Classes are ongoing and you can start anytime. You’ll learn two dances each class, and we rotate the dances every week. After 3 weeks, you’ll have learned the beginner basics of all six dances and will be able to dance comfortably to a variety of different music.

We learn by repetition and most students stay at this level several times through the rotation (2-4 months) before advancing to the next level.

Class Passes


If you take one class per week, we recommend a 5 class pass.
If you take two or more classes per week, we recommend a 10 class pass.



per person

1 Group class

Most flexible


5 Class Pass


(you save $10)

5 Group classes

Valid for 3 months


10 Class Pass


(you save $25)

10 Group classes

Valid for 3 months


Intro To Social Dance

This class is designed for absolute beginners; you don’t need any prior experience, special dance shoes, or even a partner to join the fun.

Many people feel a bit nervous/terrified at the thought of signing up for a ballroom dance class, particularly a group class – so many toes to step on – yikes! Rest assured, this will be WAY easier and more fun than you ever thought possible.

“Some people seem to think that good dancers are born. All good dancers I’ve known have been taught or trained.”
- Fred Astaire.

This is where we come in – we teach you HOW to dance – patiently, step-by-step, with some fun along the way. You weren’t born knowing how to read, how to tie a shoe, or how to play sports. Dance is like any other skill – it can be taught and learned!

We’ve taught thousands of newbie dancers, and we’re experts at helping you learn the basic skills needed to succeed on the social dance floor. Plus our studio is a welcoming and supportive space, so you'll never feel dumb or judged as you take your first steps.

Sign up now, and before you know it, you’ll be dancing with confidence and joy!

Get In Touch With Us

Let's Talk

Phone: 843-338-2870

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Learning to Dance - FAQ

Group Classes FAQ

Dance Shoes & Practice Wear FAQ

General Studio Information - FAQ

Studio Policies FAQ

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